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Good Food

Chefs share their post-lockdown restaurant and bar hitlists in Sydney
(and beyond)

by Myffy Rigby June 2, 2020

Glory be, restaurants are back and we’re very excited.

Break out the cocktails, pop the champagne, and butter the bread that you have not made yourself – the low-grade hum of happy diners in restaurants across the land is back. No one is more excited than our hospitality industry, both to throw open their doors to customers again but also to eat and drink out themselves. Here’s where a selection of them are busting to get back to.

Sam Young

When it comes to supporting neighbourhood dining, the head chef of Potts Point diner Lotus is very plugged in. Pre-COVID, he would regularly take his staff out to Eastwood, Bankstown and Cabramatta, BYO a few bottles of nice wine, and then restaurant hop, eating a single dish at as many as six different venues. “I’m craving Phu Quoc in Cabramatta. They make these incredible rice paper rolls,” says Young. “I called them, and they’re opening back up this week. And the ramen at Chaco, it’s the best in Sydney, in my opinion.

Also, VN Street Foods in Marrickville. And then the cheong fun (steamed noodles) at Traditional Cantonese Taste in Eastwood. They make [the flat rice noodles] themselves and you can choose your own ingredients. It’s really cool. You can have fish and beef, some people  will add an egg for breakfast. There are so many gems in the suburbs that are fully delicious,”  Young says.

Sydney street (food) directory